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What Matters

Do what matters with OKRs.
Get started with OKRs

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Learn how a simple goal setting technique called OKRs—Objectives and Key Results— propelled Google, The Gates Foundation, and Bono to exceed all expectations.

Leading teams to excellence.

Learn about the OKR framework and its origins from our founder, John Doerr. Learn more about OKRs

The best-selling book.

Go deeper into OKRs through expert advice, case studies, and eye-opening examples. Order the Book

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OKR Training

Explore how Objectives and Key Results (OKRs) can help any organization achieve exponential growth. The official OKR training from Measure What Matters by John Doerr, Ryan Panchadsaram, and Lisa Shufro.

Check your OKRs.

Get detailed feedback from Coach Ryan and the rest of the What Matters team via email, or sign up for one of our live streams. Learn More

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Help for the journey ahead.

Love the content. After reading the book, the new course is great to get further insights in how to implement OKRs. I fully believe OKRs are an organization’s Super Power!

Mike Boonstra, Chief Revenue Officer

At the California Department of Public Health, and at the state level, we have adopted OKRs. This course presents OKRs very clearly and why they are critical to achieving transformational goals. OKRs also helps leaders and managers stay focused on what matters most to the organizational mission.

Tomás Aragón, State Public Health Officer and Director

What people are saying

Don’t take our word for it.

I read over 100 books a year. Between being an author and podcast host, books are kind of my world. This was hands down one of the most useful books I’ve read in 2018. It forced me to take a look at how I was spending my time and what the people on my team were prioritizing. Even though I couldn’t directly relate to all of the interviews, there was a nugget in each one that I found valuable. Considering how many successful companies and individuals use this process, it’s worth learning about.

Srinivas Rao, CEO Unmistakable Creative Podcast

This book should be a staple for both future and established business leaders. OKRs and CFRs provide a clear path to setting and achieving the most inspired to the most trivial goals businesses and teams pursue. John’s storytelling and experience made this book tough to put down

Amanda Haworth

I love this book. It’s well written and interesting. John Doerr has both the experience and the ability to communicate this in a way that is understandable and motivating. It is now required reading for all of my team at Project CURE.

Dr. Douglas Jackson, CEO Project C.U.R.E.

OMG, buy this book if you need help getting your stuff together with a business. I had such clarity which I desperately needed even after the first couple chapters. It makes you empowered to make decisions and create plans to actually move your work forward, not drowning in endless busy work that doesn’t get you anywhere closer to meeting your goals. It’s relatable, entertaining and applicable to pretty much any organization size.

Melissa Kennedy

What people are saying

Don’t take our word for it.